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Silent auction bidding to start on 6th March 2021 for doses of semen from  the UK's top stallions!
Silent auction bidding to start on 6th March 2021 for doses of semen from the UK's top stallions!

The loss of Matthew Wright was a very sad day for the whole of the equestrian community. Within the breeding industry Matthew was known for the beautiful stallions that he and wife Victoria stood at Caunton Manor Stud. A small group of breeders had the idea of raising funds for Riders Minds, a vital cause that Matthew had co-founded. Together with Breeding British they have set up a stallion nomination silent auction to raise funds directly for Riders Minds and to raise awareness of the importance of mental health throughout the equine world.

The auction itself will run for 2 weeks ending at midday on Saturday 20th March 2021 with all proceeds being paid directly to Riders Minds. We ask stallion owners who are able to, to donate a covering to the auction and support this much needed cause.

Terms and Conditions can be found here –  Terms and Conditions and the Stallion Nomination details can be downloaded here STALLION NOMINATION CONTRACT. Please complete and return as soon as possible to [email protected] and we will get your stallion up on the website.

As stallion details are received they will be listed on the pages below.

All Rounder Stallions – Avanti Amorous Archie; Brackenspa Stud; Colourthyme Kajika; Eclipse CES; Forinth; Gambler, Houdini at Little Uncle; Kyden Stud; Langaller Stud; Samaii; Spirit of Fazer

Dressage Stallions – Cornetto King; Eclipse CES; Fado RT; Fire Kracka; Flayne Daiquiri; Franklyn Sugar; Gambler; Grafenstolz; Greenlanes Jester; Jacarando HD; Ketcher B; Lestingdale VS; Nico


Eventing Stallions – Brackenspa Stud; Diamant de Heraldik; Forinth; Grafenstolz; Greenlanes La Bambalou; Kannan; Shannondale Delta; Universal; Venterprise, Weston Justice

Pony Stallions – Bernwode Broadway; Caeser 171 & Godrics Stud stallion; Dypool Miami Reef; Norgaards Jason; Rembrandt DDH; RFS Socrates, TawnyDun Aengus

Showing Stallions – Avanti Amorous Archie; Langaller Stud; Samaii; Universal

Show Jumping Stallions – Cornetto King, Diamant de Heraldik; Greenlanes La Bambalou; Kannan; Kyden Stud; Shannondale Delta, Venterprise


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